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LGK - September 25th, 2007 9:39 AM

I have been hearing a lot about vitex and how it can help regulate a period and increase your fertility chances.\r\n\r\nI am 37, never been pregnant, had a normal period up until about 10 years ago, now I'm lucky if my period comes 3 times a year.\r\n\r\nHad all the hormone tests - estrogen is slightly low but we have to be careful how we treat this as there is a history of breast cancer in my family (my sister died from it). I do not have endometriosis, I do not have cysts, I do not have blockage of any kind, everything is there.\r\n\r\nBack to my question...vitex. Has anyone used this and had any success - either with normal periods or pregnancy? I read that this is a natural HRT and not the chemical HRT which is what interests me. And it is progesteron that is the base.\r\n\r\nAnyone?

Teddyfinch - March 2nd, 2008 10:19 AM

i took vitex a few years back and noticed that within a few months my periods were coming regularly. although i was not testing to see if i was ovulating, at least my periods were there. it's worth a shot. not many people are allergic to it and if anything it helps your body produce other hormones naturally.


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