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elainewalker8 - September 20th, 2007 5:05 PM

Hello. My name is Elaine and I am the proud mother of a surrogate baby boy. The joy that I was able to bring about for myself and the very deserving family that I am now a part of was life changing. I feel compelled to encourage those who are thinking of becoming a [a href="http://becomeasurrogatem"]surrogate[/a
to inform themselves as much as possible. You might be the next mother that changes the worlds of would-be parents and finds your own inner peace.

cindy - October 3rd, 2007 2:56 AM

I couldn't agree more. I work with Intended parents and gestational surrogates here in Illinois, and I've witnessed the joy that this gift brings. It is not something to enter into lightly, and a fertility program will answer all of the medical, emotional and legal questions that one might have. There are complicated issues at stake here, and advice from experienced, caring people will help you decide if this is right for you.


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