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stephf - July 5th, 2007 1:47 PM

my and my dh have been ttc for over a yeah periods are regular and i've been monitoring my ovulation. we're not sure what could be the problem. anyone else been through this? where should we start?

soup25 - July 6th, 2007 7:40 PM

sounds just like me! i am going to be starting some testing this month. They will do bloodwork, HSG, and a seminal analysis. My cycle is really regular, but not pregnancy yet. Good luck to you.

MrsIke - August 8th, 2007 1:51 AM

Hi stephf, I just posted over in the artificial reproduction. Im kinda in the same boat as you. Im 31 and dh is 40, we have been ttc over a year after a tubal reversal. Ive had two miscarriages since 3months apart. Im beginning to wonder if i should seek out an RE, since i dont feel like im getting the attention as i believe i should get from and ob/gyn.

popes_gurl - August 14th, 2007 6:42 AM

Yeah, I just posted a ? like this in the female fertility forum. My husband and I have been ttc for over a year, i'm 21 and he's 22 ... but no luck. Went to the dr and he said I have a mild case of endimetriosis, but not enough to prevent pregnancy. I've mapped my ovulation, which comes like clockwork every 28 days, used the kits and everything, but still no luck

cherisalorraine - September 8th, 2007 2:18 AM

please hang in there ladies i thought i was impregnable bu after six years of hearing there was nothing wrong i now have 2 little girls and i guess that there was nothing wrong some times the stress of trying causes things not to work good luck to all

hlbg - October 3rd, 2007 8:18 PM

Yup, and 2 years later doctor found out that my husband has low motility etc.

JaNNa - March 10th, 2008 12:03 AM

you may probably start with your partner's sperm testing and you may also want to go for a test as well just to make sure nothing's wrong with you both especially ifyou have been trying for a year unsuccessfully. I did and I am in this situation as well but I have irregular period of 33-40days cycle and possible annovulatory because I have mild PCOS so I was prescribed Clomid to force ovulation every month.

JaNNa - March 10th, 2008 12:11 AM

After all the steps and nothing is wrong like mine except for mild PCOS, you might be able to take Clomid for 5 days of your period cycle, mine's day 2-6 of my period. I will let you know if this Clomid for 50mg is successful. This is my first month of 50mg, I took 25mg for 3 months unsuccessful as it's probably the lowest dose. But hopefully this will work, I have heard a lot of successful stories regarding Clomid and very common as fertility drug.

monkey1981 - August 31st, 2010 1:10 PM

Hiya, I'm new here. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 and 1/2 years now, we finally began tests this month, even though our doctor tried to convince us its normal. I am 29 and my husband is 30. Today I went for my first round of tests and we got my husbands seminal tests back. Apparently he is all good and has a good count. Now I'm panicing that the problem is with me. To make matters worse my 22 year old sister in law announced yesterday they they are expecting their 2nd child in Feb. I feel like my insides hav been ripped out but my husbands family have no understanding at all. I wish you all the best and my advice would be visit the doctor ASAP and get checked out. The sooner you do it te sooner you might get pregnant. x


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