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emmas112 - January 19th, 2011 10:14 AM

Ladies, I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm starting testing for infertility and am struggling massively to the point where my whole life is affected on a daily basis, I'm very depressed, can't stop crying and won't even go to my usual person who does my nails because its a man, same goes for the dentist. I've never been like this before and am usually very positive. \r\nI am waiting for the results of blood tests and have just had a scan (results fine) but I can't get over the humiliation, vulnerability and invasivness of the treatments going forward.\r\nMy husband is insisting on me having NLP treatment to help which I will do as I'm ruining my marriage by being so ridiculous. I can cope with a bit of pain that doesnt bother me but I'm terrified of seeing a male gynaecologist and being in such an exposed and vulnerable state. \r\nCan any one help me please? I'm seeing my GP for results of blood tomorrow but know that whatever happens I'll no doubt have to have more tests which I so hope will be worth it in the end. I think I'll also ask her about anti depressants or something but I just need to know I'm not alone in feeling like this. Sorry to ramble and thank you


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