Male Fertility Testing

While the media and the advertising market tend to focus on fertility problems in women, men have fertility problems as well.  It's very important to understand the source of these problems and to understand how to go about getting help if you encounter these difficulties.  There are many doctors today who specialize in male fertility problems, and many tests that are available to identify and treat male fertility issues.

Home Sperm Tests

If you suspect that you might have a problem getting pregnant, there are a number of options for testing fertility in men.  First, there are many at-home fertility tests that both men and women can do.  These tests evaluate the strength of the male sperm.  A sample of semen is placed in the device and after a certain amount of time, you are informed of the semen quality.  One of these tests shows one line, indicating that you should consult with a doctor, or two lines, indicating that your sperm should be fine for you to try to conceive without intervention.  While these tests are not fool-proof, they are a nice first step to see if you need to move further and get a medical professional involved.

Meeting With a Specialist

If you do need to consult a specialist, it's often advisable to meet with an urologist.  After having a physical, you will have a number of fertility tests done.  Your sperm will be tested for quantity and quality.  While it may be uncomfortable for you to come up with a sample on the spot, this is a routine test and the doctor will not think anything of it.  If the semen analysis comes back normal, the doctor will probably order a second test.  If both are normal, then you'll be informed that your fertility seems to be fine.  If anything comes back looking suspect, then the doctor will probably continue by ordering urine and blood tests.  He'll ask you many questions about your lifestyle, your eating and drinking habits, your smoking, and many other possible factors leading to male fertility and infertility.

Reasons For Infertility

There are many reasons that you might have a low sperm count or other fertility issues that the doctor will explore with you.  Sexually transmitted diseases are certainly a factor, as are birth defects, blockages and other physical damage.  Genetic diseases and auto-immune problems can cause infertility in men, as can something called retrograde ejaculation.  This is when the male actually ejaculates into the bladder rather than out of the penis and it can be caused due to a number of factors.  Other factors include hormonal problems and impotence.  All of these should be discussed with the urologist, and a specialist in fertility issues might be consulted with as well.

Fertility issues are very frustrating and it's certainly important to explore both male and female fertility when trying to get pregnant.  These tests and evaluations will help the couple to be more secure in their fertility, or to seek out the assistance that they need to achieve their desired goal - a healthy baby!