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popes_gurl - August 14th, 2007 6:39 AM

My husband and I have been ttc for over ayear now. Ive mapped out my ovulation, used the kits and everything, but no baby. I've went to the doctor and he said i have a mild case of endimetriosis, but not enough to prevent me from having a child.\r\nDoes anyone have any ideas?

KimP - August 21st, 2007 2:44 PM

I am 50 now and are matched with a surrogate hoping this will give us a family that we have desperately wanted for the past 21years. Firstly we had to go through the basics of charting etc. I ended up having my tubes supposedly cleared as previous ops had landed scar tissue in them. After finding that did not work we had to go down the IVF route that not working we are now in this position. It has taken years and years to get to this stage but you have to follow every option. I would keep going back to your GP and ask what other test you can have done. If like us you sit back and just hope you will get pregnant precious time is lost. All the very best for the future.


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