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Meg - January 20th, 2009 1:33 AM

Hi there, about a 2 years ago, my dermatologist had me undergo blood tests to try to determinethe cause of the rashes i was having on my face and upper arms. After the results concluded I had a high level of ANA in my blood (my results were 1:64) he informed me that I had 'cutaneous lupus' and was going to send me to a specialist to conclude whether i had just the cutaneous lupus or if i had systemic lupus (a more advanced, ad serious form of lupus).\r\n\r\nFor 6 weeks, waiting to see this specialist, i researched and researched to no end what this meant for my life and health. I read some scary things about fertility issues that could be connected with this.\r\n\r\nAfter 6 weeks passed, I finally saw the specialist who had me undergo several tess and concluded that (thank goodness) I did not, in fact, have any form of lupus. I did however have this high level of ANA.\r\n\r\nNow the 2 years have almost passed and my partner and I are hoping to be pregnant by the end of this year. I just saw the specialist last week for my yearly check up and he sees no advancement in lupus, I asked him if I would have trouble conceiving due to this ANA present in my blood, and he said that I could have a protein (antiphospholipid) present in my blood which can cause miscarriages. The Dr said women usually miscarry 2-3 x before findng out they have this in their blood. I am waiting to find out the results of these blood tests.\r\n\r\nwe want to conceive this summer.. Im 25, my partner is 33. we are both healthy weight, and healthy otherwise.\r\n\r\nwondering if anyone out there has ANA or has had problems simiar to this? \r\n\r\ni know im worrying too soon but i am a planner! (and a worried person..)\r\n\r\nI want to be able to have a baby more than anything.\r\n\r\nthanks.


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