Preliminary Female Fertility Tests - Estradiol Test
An Estradiol test is a preliminary female fertility test that is also one of the most common types of fertility tests for women. This test assesses both egg quantity and quality and is generally used in combination with a day 3 FSH test.
Estradiol is the primary type of estrogen found in the body; estradiol is secreted from the eggs as they develop, thereby stimulating the processes of the female reproductive cycle.
As such, normal levels of this form of estrogen are central to good reproductive health as well as to female fertility.
Estradiol Test
A blood test is used to assess estradiol levels as well as ovarian reserve, namely, the quantity and quality of a woman’s eggs. This test is performed in conjunction with a day 3 FSH test and to confirm blood test results.
Estradiol levels vary at different times during a woman’s menstrual cycle. As such, this test is also performed on day 3 in order to assess ovarian health.
An estradiol test can be helpful in assessing fertility problems in all women; however, it is most suitable in the following cases:
- women whose FSH test results were found to be normal
- women who are over the age of 35
- women with unexplained infertility
Estradiol Test Procedure
An estradiol test requires that you make an appointment on day one of your menstrual cycle (this is the first day of bleeding). This fertility test must be booked for day 3 of your cycle in order to accurately assess ovarian reserves and to determine whether ovarian abnormalities are causing fertility problems.
On day three, your fertility specialist will collect a blood sample, which will then be analyzed for estradiol levels.
Estradiol Test Results
Normal estradiol levels are classified at approximately 80 pg/mL or lower.
Levels of estradiol that are higher than this amount are generally indicative of an ovulation problem.
In addition, high levels of this type of estrogen indicate poor ovulation, and also generally suggest poor pregnancy rates. In addition, high estradiol levels also suggest a poor response to fertility drugs and in vitro fertilisation (IVF).
As such, results from this type of female fertility testing can help to diagnose the cause of infertility in your individual case as well as to establish the most appropriate form of infertility treatment for you.