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yvonne - March 27th, 2008 7:34 PM

Hi, just registered to this forum. me & hubby have been trying for 4 years and have been getting treatment for nearly 2, with no success yet!? our case is "unexplained" which is tough to take in, think it might be easier if there was a reason?? waiting to get IUI, but having major probs with follicles not being the right size, so its trial & error with my injections which is a nightmare! anyone else in the same boat? x

catgiggles - May 3rd, 2008 4:00 AM

I just wanted to share my experience even tho it is not exactly the same. But maybe it will give you hope nontheless. My husband and I got the dxs of unexplained infertility. All his tests came back fine and all the test we could afford on me came back fine as well (our issurance wont pay a penny for infertility). Six and a half years after trying we got pregnant and had a beautiful son. It was a very long 6 1/2 years. It can be emotionally draining wanting something so badly! We have currently been trying again for 7 months with no luck yet. However, it is easier to stomache only have one than not having any. So just think as positive as you can. We were once where you were and it took 2 1/2 more years of trying for us. I hope this helps a little! Baby dust!


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