Advanced Female Fertility Tests - Anti Ovarian Antibodies Test
An anti ovarian antibodies test is used to detect levels of certain antibodies in the bloodstream that may be contributing to female fertility problems. As such, this advanced form of female fertility testing can help to assess abnormalities that can be impairing the normal functions of the reproductive system and thereby leading to female fertility problems. This test is generally conducted after preliminary female fertility tests fail to diagnose the cause of infertility.
What Are Anti Ovarian Antibodies?
Anti-ovarian antibodies are a specific type of cells that help to work against foreign bacteria and cells that invade the body.
However, in certain instances, cells mistake the body’s own cells for foreign cells, as is the case with anti ovarian antibodies. Anti ovarian antibodies most commonly affect the eggs as well as the ovarian cells.
Anti Ovarian Antibodies and Infertility
Because they are believed to interrupt the process of ovulation, anti ovarian antibodies have been linked to female fertility problems, namely with premature ovarian failure (POF) and unexplained infertility.
Between 35 to 69% of women with premature ovarian failure have large amounts of anti ovarian antibodies in their bloodstream; by comparison, approximately 30% of healthy women have these antibodies in their bloodstream, however in much smaller amounts.
A large number of women with unexplained infertility also have a strong presence of anti ovarian antibodies in their bloodstream.
In addition to causing irregular ovulation, anti ovarian antibodies are also linked to the following:
- poor response to hormone therapy
- irregular implantation
- low rates of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) success
Anti Ovarian Antibodies Test Procedure
This type of female fertility test is comprised of a blood test, which is sent to the laboratory for comprehensive analysis.
If the anti ovarian antibody test shows a negative result, your fertility problems are likely not linked to anti ovarian antibodies.
However, if your fertility test results are positive, it is a good indication that anti ovarian antibodies are contributing to your fertility problems.
There are a variety of treatment options available for women who test positive for a high amount of anti ovarian antibodies. The most common and generally most effective treatment for abnormal anti ovarian antibodies levels is drug therapy. Common drugs prescribed in order to treat this condition include prednisone and dexamethasone, which can help to regulate levels of anti ovarian antibodies in the blood so as to improve your chances of getting pregnant.